Sambhal Solar Suppliers Change the Way We Live

Everyone has an interest in technology and the latest one is the solar power technology. For those who have no idea of what it is all about, the term may present a few hiccups. But, once you become familiar with the setup, you can make a solar power grid by yourself in your house or office.


Parts of a solar PCU

The solar Power Conditioning Unit (PCU) is the network that helps you perform several functions. For this, you need the following units:

  1. Panels
  2. Inverter
  3. Battery bank
  4. Charge controller
  5. Circuit switcher

Major cities use solar power

You see solar power installations in most of the cities in India. The local suppliers give you the need for the solar power grid whether you are in Bareilly, New Delhi, Aligarh, or Muzaffarnagar. So, one is not surprised to see solar PCU suppliers in Sambhal. People in the leading cities have taken to solar power in a big way.

Expense of running a household

You can get a 1kW system for Rs 120,000 – Rs 180,000. If you need a smaller configuration, you get one for Rs 45,000 that will help you run three fans and three lights and a television set. You can get small solar panels having an energy rating of 3 Watt or 5 Watt with the price quoted at Rs 60 per Watt. To run your 45 Watt computer/laptop and a 15 Watt fan, you need to invest Rs 3,600.

Life of the solar system

The solar systems come with a guaranteed period of five years. They work for more than 20 years. However, the efficiency of the energy production from the 20th year, will drop by 85%.

Solar panel utility

Solar panels come in many varieties. One of the most used ones is the monocrystalline panel. These are costly, but have a good power generation capacity. The second one is the polycrystalline panel. This works with a lower efficiency and is slightly cheaper. The last one is the thin film panel. This works in extremely hot conditions. You can use it when you have diffused light. This is the cheapest of the lot.

Use of an inverter

You use the inverter for the solar circuit for converting the energy into a usable form. The usable form is alternating current energy. The power produced by the solar power grid is direct current. Since all household appliances use only alternative current power, one must convert the power. This we do, using the inverter.

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